Back to Our Roots: GG19's Visual Network Effects

By Cici, Art Director at Gitcoin

Looking back at the recent Gitcoin Grants campaign, I’m taking some time to recap the visual direction of the marketing for this round, and explore the execution of network effects marketing through design assets.

The theme of 'Back to Our Roots' is a homage to our beginnings, an artistic reconnection with the essence of Gitcoin. This visual direction, influenced by the strategic movement of Gitcoin Grants to its foundational values, weaves together the narrative of our past with the vibrancy of our present. We've crafted a visual language that resonates deeply with our community, intertwining aesthetic appeal with meaningful symbolism.

The GG19 campaign explores community interaction in marketing. Our suite of tools, including social media templates and customizable content, invited the community into a collaborative space of storytelling and shared experiences. These tools were catalysts for creativity, enabling each member to add their unique voice to the collective story of our campaign.

Visuals Amplifying Network Effects

The more our community engaged with these visuals, the richer the tapestry of our network effects. This design strategy extends beyond mere engagement; it's an invitation to be part of a growing, evolving narrative that every member of our community shapes and owns. I’ve seen this evident in video calls, twitter spaces and social media assets throughout GG19.

In the spirit of constant evolution, the GG19 campaign adapts to the community's feedback and changing needs. This approach ensures that our visuals are continually evolving and resonating with the community's pulse. It's a testament to our commitment to not just listen but to act on what we hear, making our campaign a living reflection of our community's needs.

With 6 hours remaining in the GG19 campaign, we adapted to the progress of the round at that point, and decided to activate a network marketing initiative to boost last minute donations. The progress bar graphic, a template open to all grantees, was first posted by Owocki showing the overall progress of GG19 towards a goal of $600k total donations.

Grantees then shared their own iterations of this asset with goals for individual grants. This campaign took us from around $540k in community donations to more than $600k within the final six hours; real time impact of network effects marketing.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Visual Engagement

The learnings we can take from the GG19 campaign set the stage for future Gitcoin Grants rounds, establishing a blueprint for how we can continue to intertwine our history with design values that resonate with Gitcoin’s present. Aiming to cultivate a visual language that's as inclusive as it is dynamic, our focus is not just on scalability, but on creating a spectrum of engagement opportunities that welcome new voices and strengthen existing bonds within our community.

Another network marketing initiative we activated during GG19 was engaging with notable figures in the web3 and public goods space to create collections of grants, essentially curating their picks of grants from the round, and equipping them with social media graphics to promote their collections.

By providing the right tools and resources, we're enabling our community to take an active role in shaping grants rounds campaigns. This empowerment is a stepping stone to a community that's vibrant, engaged, and integral to our ecosystem's growth.

Reflecting on GG19, one of the key learnings for me as an Art Director was the dynamic nature of community engagement. The flexibility to adapt our visuals based on real-time feedback was crucial in maintaining relevance and resonance with our audience. This experience has reinforced the importance of listening and responding to our community, a principle that will guide our future campaigns.

Another reflection from this campaign is the understanding that effective visuals do more than just convey a message; they invite participation and create a space for shared experiences. This has shifted my perspective on the role of visual design in community-driven initiatives, highlighting its potential as a catalyst for engagement and emotional connection.

The visual journey of GG19 is just the beginning. As we continue to explore new horizons in design, my focus remains on supporting a community that's not just engaged but inspired and empowered by the visuals we create – a community that's an active participant in the evolving story of Gitcoin.In our journey forward, we're committed to ensuring that our visual strategies stay agile, relevant, and ahead of the curve, solidifying Gitcoin's position as a leader in community-driven growth in the web3 space.

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